Coupled indoor-outdoor environments for better indoor air quality

Coupled indoor-outdoor environments for better indoor air quality

We are excited to announce we will be holding an in-person and online event at Imperial College London City and Guilds Building on 5th July 2024 from 10am to 2:30pm.

The air we breathe is critical to our health and well-being, yet an estimated 91% of people in urban areas world-wide breathe polluted air. Indeed, long-term exposure to a range of air pollutants, both from indoor sources and outdoor sources, in urban and rural areas, is associated with acute and chronic health effects. Indoor and outdoor environments are inextricably linked. Therefore, to provide acceptable indoor air quality, indoor and outdoor environments must be considered together in terms of design, assessment, and operation.

This workshop presents ideas from a soon-to-be-published paper which acknowledges that the coupling, or air exchange capacity, between indoor and outdoor environments is key to providing acceptable indoor air quality and presents a roadmap for adopting a coupled indoor-outdoor design and modelling approach to delivering healthier indoor environments. The workshop will offer ample time for discussion.

1030-1035Welcome, Housekeeping, Purpose of meetingMaarten Van Reeuwijk
1035-1045FUVN OverviewCath Noakes
1045-1100Overview of theme 1 & Position paperMalcolm Cook
1100-1200Coupled indoor-outdoor interaction:
presentation and discussion
Paul O’Sullivan Malcolm Cook
Presentation and discussion
Maarten Van Reeuwijk
1345-1430Innovation Opportunities:
Presentation and discussion
Bryony Turner

Attendance can be in-person, or online. Please use the relevant link below to book your place.

In-person attendance:

Registration ends:  1st July 2024 at 09:00

Online attendance:

Registration ends: 4th July at 15:30

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