11.30 – 12.30, Thursday 24 March
Breathing City and the STFC Air Quality Network are pleased to invite you to an online networking session to share ideas around the theme of ‘Air Quality, Buildings and Materials’. The session is aimed at anyone with an interest in air quality who would like to make interdisciplinary connections with others in the community.
Prof Tom Woolley, chair of the UKRI SPF Clean Air Programme, will give an overview of the topic, and share key research gaps, data needs and measurement challenges. We will then hear a series of lightning presentations from other participants, which might highlight some research, present further questions or share some recent work. If you’d like to offer a 60 second presentation in this slot, you can do so when you register. After the presentations, we will move to Wonder, an online platform for free-flowing networking and discussion of the topic.
To join the event, please register for free.